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Exotic species (albizia) dominated forest in Singapore


Weng Ngai LAM

Assistant Professor

I am a community ecologist who loves invertebrates, plants and invertebrate-eating plants. I joined ASE, NTU in 2021 as a research fellow, and was appointed as an assistant professor in 2024. I have worked on a wide variety of research projects and study systems over the years, and these all revolved around topics of resources/nutrients and their effects on ecosystem functions and species interactions (bottom-up processes).

I hope to use ecology to maximize beneficial and native biodiversity in modern cities.

Weng Ngai Lam

Principal Investigator


Jo Lyn Loo

Jo Lyn LOO

Research assistant

Hi! I'm a research assistant currently engaged in a project comparing litterfall nutrient recycling between urban and natural forests in Singapore. I graduated with my Bachelors from the University of Melbourne (2020-2022), majoring in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. I've always had a keen interest in invertebrates and hope to understand the roles of these inconspicuous animals in the ecosystem. In my downtime, you might catch me out exploring the country, while rainy days call for books, art and music!

Nagichetty Poorvi Ashok
Yn Mae Lee

Nagichetty Poorvi ASHOK

Research assistant

Hola! I’m a research assistant in PIE Lab, currently working on a project comparing the litterfall nutrient cycling between forests and urban green spaces in Singapore. I’m interested in studying biogeochemical cycles, especially in tropical forests. I did my undergrad at Nanyang Technological University, majoring in Chemistry. After that, I completed my Master's in Ecology, Evolution & Conservation at Imperial College London. When I’m not doing science or exploring, you can find me playing squash, crocheting, reading books, or playing DnD with friends.

Yn Mae LEE

Research assistant

I am a research assistant with an interest in biodiversity and conservation. I am currently involved on litterfall nutrient cycling in Singapore, and I am very excited to learn more about our local small but mighty invertebrates! Prior to this, I majored in Environmental Biology at Macquarie University. In my free time, I enjoy thrifting, playing video games, and spending time with cats.

Cities of Tomorrow (Vertical 5) team 

Co-PI with A/P Eleanor Slade (TEE lab)


Madeleine Koeniger

Madeleine KOENIGER

PhD Student

I’m a forest ecologist studying the effects of soil nutrients on different functional traits of trees in different forest types to understand the consequences of human impact on forest regeneration. In my project in Singapore’s forests, I’m researching leaf functional traits in different secondary forest, trying to explain how different tree communities persist after disturbance. For my project in the enigmatic peat swamp of Brunei I try to answer the question how nutrients impact performance of S. albida seedlings. I’ve received a BSc in Biology from the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg in 2015 and a MSc in Biology from the University of Hamburg in 2018. In my spare time I like swimming and other types of water sports.

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Meghan LIM


Hello! I am a Year 2 undergraduate at ASE, NTU, majoring in Environmental Earth Systems Science with a specialisation in Ecology. For my research attachment under the CN Yang Scholars' Programme, I am excited to study the diversity and distribution of oribatid mites in Singapore. My research aims to investigate the factors influencing the diversity of oribatid mite species in both forested areas and urban green spaces. Outside of school, I enjoy cooking, baking and travelling to new places!

Shan Lyn TAN


Hello! I'm a year 2 EESS student specialising in ecology. I find isopods very cute and amazing as they play such a vital role in nutrient recycling in our ecosystems, and I'm excited to learn more about the ones in Singapore. In my free time I love exploring new food places, drinking coffee and hanging out with friends.

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